Ambassador Program

How It Works

Explore Our Ambassador Tier Options


What We Look For
You have an active, public Instagram or TikTok account for your dog with at least 500 followers, an engagement rate over 3% and consistently post at least 3+ times per week
You are at least 18 years of age and live in Canada or the U.S.
You take beautiful, well lit photos and videos that align with our brand
Dogs in all shapes and sizes from all walks of life. City or Country dog, we love them all!
You have read and agree with our Brand Ambassador Agreement
Follow us on Instagram @ledogcompany and TikTok @ledogcompany (if applicable)
Hint: Bonus points if you've already bought from Le Dog, follow and/or are engaged with our brand. We look to our ambassadors for feedback so it’s important you genuinely care about our brand.
What Is Expected Of You?
- Term is 6 months
- Minimum post requirements per month:
- 1x story per week
- 2x posts per month (reel, static or carousel)
- Reposing content across platforms is totally fine! (IG, FB & TikTok)
- Display your 10% discount code in your highlight or bio in IG
- Complete product review for each product received
- Share sales, promos and new product launches
- Share all unedited images & videos with us for use in our promotion materials (social, print, promos, branded content)
- Provide product feedback at end of term via form provided by Le Dog
- Accept the Ambassador Group Chat invite on Instagram. This will be used to communicate with our ambassador community - think new product launches, promos and monthly challenges
- Opportunity to extend your term if there’s interest!