Just because the weather outside is frightful, doesn't mean your pup has to suffer. With a few simple preparations, you can make sure your furry friend stays happy and healthy all season long. From the right food and supplements to stylish outerwear, here's everything your dog needs to get through winter in comfort.

The Right Food and Supplements
During the winter months, it's important to make sure your dog is getting enough fat and nutrients in their diet. A lot of pet parents opt for raw or homemade diets during this time of year, but that's not always possible or practical. If you're feeding your pup commercial kibble, look for a formula that's high in fat and protein and low in carbohydrates. You might also want to supplement their diet with fish oil, cod liver oil or camelina oil to help them maintain a healthy coat and joint mobility. We love Canpressco Oil. It's Canadian made and specifically formulated to improve skin and coat quality, decrease joint pain, improve bone structure, help prevent ulcers, has anti-inflammatory effects and helps with allergic hyperactivity.
Outerwear That's Functional AND Fashionable
Just because it's cold out doesn't mean your pup's style has to suffer. There are tons of great options for winter dog clothes that will keep them warm without sacrificing their fashion sense. From cozy sweaters to quilted jackets, there's something for every pup's taste. And don't forget the all-important booties! Some dogs hate wearing them, but if your pup will tolerate them, they're worth their weight in gold when it comes to keeping their feet warm and dry. Just be sure to get a size that fits well so they don't slip off—no one wants lost booties on a cold winter walk. Check out Canada Pooch for all your fashionable and functional winter outerwear needs. We also love our Le Walk Collection to ensure you're getting max style points while out walking and never are caught without poop bags again.

Entertainment for Bored Pups
When it's too cold to go outside and play, it's important to have some indoor entertainment options lined up for your pup. This is especially true if you live in an apartment or condo where space is at a premium. One great option is an interactive toy like the Kong Classic Dog Toy. These toys are perfect for pups who get bored easily, and they can even be stuffed with treats or peanut butter to keep your pup entertained for hours on end. Other indoor options include puzzle toys , chew toys , and (if you're feeling really ambitious) a homemade agility course.

A Cozy Place of their Own
Just like us, dogs can get cabin fever during the winter months. Make sure to give them plenty of attention and TLC to help them feel comfortable and loved starting with a cozy place to call their own. Check out Le Bed leather dog beds which are not only cozy but easy to clean after coming in wet or muddy in the winter months. No laundering required, which we love!
With a little preparation, you can make sure your furry friend enjoys a comfortable winter indoors or out. The key is to start with the right food and supplements, then add some stylish (and functional) outerwear, and finally choose some indoor entertainment options that will keep your pup engaged and occupied when it's too cold to head outside. With these simple steps, you'll have everything you need to make it through the winter months with your four-legged bestie by your side.